BDA – Lille
The SKEMA BS Arts Student Club aims to promote art and culture among SKÉMiens as well as Lille students, through large-scale events in which the BDA participates each year, such as the Arts Trophy or the Dunkirk Carnival. The BDA is active because it also organizes and creates its own events; Students’ Got Talent and UrbanWorld are projects in full development.
Promoting art and uniting SKEMA BS students around art are therefore the main objectives of the Arts Student Club.
Throughout the year, the BDA is therefore involved in the associative life of SKEMA BS Lille.
Notre premier évènement est le SK’arnaval de Dunkerque, l’occasion pour une partie de notre promotion de prendre part aux célébrations dunkerquoises le temps d’une journée. Nous participons également au Trophée des Arts, 1ère compétition artistique étudiante d’Europe. Elle est l’occasion pour nous d’amener une délégation composée de talents et de supporters en Espagne, et ce en étroite collaboration avec TBS. Sur 4 jours, nos talents affrontent, lors de diverses épreuves, les talents d’autres écoles de commerce.
Furthermore, the Arts Students Club also plans cultural events within our school (exhibitions, concerts, etc.) and in Lille itself. Have you heard of “Students’ Got Talent”? This is an artistic competition that brings together schools from the Lille metropolis for an unforgettable evening. The BDA, in collaboration with the Broad’Lille association, takes care of the organization of the entire event, from the auditions to the awards ceremony. Finally, during our “Art Week”, the BDA joins forces with all the artistic associations of our school (Broad'Lille, Septième Art, Métamorphose, Skip The Beat and SoNord) to celebrate the art in all its forms.