Make the leap!
Adéna’Lille is the SKEMA outdoor sports association on the Lille campus. Our aim is to offer extreme and atypical activities in order to bring students together in a sporting and friendly spirit. Finally, Adréna’Lille promotes extreme sports and adventure which allow SKEMA Lille students to surpass themselves and get their fill of thrills.
Notre évènement principal est le Skemtrip, une course en autostop en binôme qui relie Lille à Amsterdam. Cette expérience, axée sur l’aspect humain, encourage les étudiants à combiner stratégie et coopération dans un esprit d’équipe.
Trekema is one of the association's major events, bringing students together for a multi-day trek in the Alps.
Moreover, we take part in the GEM Altigliss ski tournament.
Besides, we also offer a variety of activities, such as outings to amusement parks and paintball.
We also organize theme evenings in collaboration with the BDE.