The Wallabinchs and Wallabinchettes are the flag bearers of rugby within Skema Lille.
The Wallabinch Association is the rugby promotion association within Skema. It comprises two teams: the Wallabinchettes, the women's team, and the Wallabinch, the men's team, both fiercely representing Skema's colors at every rugby event in the region. Both teams participate in the university championships for both 15-a-side and 7-a-side rugby, as well as the Coupe de France des ESC. The association welcomes players of all levels. If you find yourself struggling in the first two halves, remember there's a third. Joining them, you'll experience unique moments, discover solidarity, teamwork, and be immersed in the world of rugby.
- Creation and sale of calendars in aid of the Siel Bleu association
- Participation in March in the European Rugby Sevens Cup (ER7)
- Travel to see a rugby match (TOP 14)
- Organisation de soirées en boite de nuit sur le thèmes « Feria de bayonne »
- Organization of viewing evenings between oval fans for the 6 Nations Tournament
- Organisation of a touch sevens tournament.
- Many other cohesion and sharing events, all infused with the warm atmosphere of rugby.