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Humanitarian association, young, dynamic and professional which gives the opportunity to its members, to bring a daily help to the most deprived.

HOPE (Humanitarian Organization Promoting Equity) Paris is the humanitarian student association of the Grand Paris campus of SKEMA Business School. HOPE Paris is structured around the office, the global pole and the local pole.
HOPE Paris s’articule autour du bureau, du pôle global et du pôle local.
The global pole is in charge of organizing international humanitarian missions. This year, the major project is the construction of a public school in Madagascar. The local pole is in charge of the organization of various missions on a local scale: marauding, tutoring, clean-up, charity concert and many other events, and many other events that punctuate the daily life of the members, dedicated to supporting the causes they care about!
Le pôle local quant à lui, se charge de l’organisation de diverses missions à l’échelle locale : maraudes, tutorat, Clean-up, concert caritatif et bien d’autres évènements qui font vibrer le quotidien des membres, dévoués à soutenir les causes qui leurs tiennent à coeur !

Contact : Adrianna Carvalho

Adresse mail :
Téléphone : 06 16 97 29 94