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Data Science & AI Club Raleigh

Explore the universe of Data Science, artificial intelligence, and the advancements of quantum computing with the SKEMA Data Science & Quantum AI Club.

We offer immersive workshops, inspiring expert talks, and dynamic networking opportunities to connect you with industry professionals and sharpen your skills. Join us to dive into the world of data science and quantum computing and start building your network today! 


  • Hands-on Workshops on Data Science Tools: Our expert-led workshops offer deep dives into data science and artificial intelligence techniques, enabling members to develop essential practical skills. 
  • Lectures with Quantum Computing Pioneers: Des séances interactives avec des leaders du domaine quantique pour explorer les dernières avancées et leur impact potentiel sur différents secteurs. 
  • Cross-Events with Other Clubs and Company/University Visits: Engage in enriching collaborative events and exclusive tours to witness real-world applications of data science and quantum computing in both the professional and academic worlds. 


President: Amine BAKKOU