BDE Suzhou
BDE is literally there for the students to make the student life shine

We know coming on a new campus can be stressful and we’re here to make it easier! We help students settle in quickly with useful tips and advices, organize multiples events for you to enjoy the life on Suzhou campus.
Evénements phare :
Halloween party : last semester we made a full Halloween on the campus. Everything was decorated, activities were made for the students to bond and have fun.
The gala : This is the last event of the semester, after all the exam you can relax and say goodbye to everyone for one last party
Communications Division
This pole is making all the visuals to announce the events and keep the student well informed, they have answer to probably most question students have.
Execute effective publicity both on campus and on social media.
Canvassing Department
Here, it’s to find sponsors to help us affording the maximum of activities and parties. This pole is in charge of negotiating discount and finding goodies to offer during our activities
Event Department
The event pole is to plan and organize every event and activitiy, and also listen to the student needs and expectation about what they want to experience during the semester in oder to arrange them accordingly.
Application is open to SKEMA's student of all programs
President : LEVY Shannon
E-mail address :
Facebook page : BDESUZHOU