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SKEDX est l’association qui organise des conférences TEDx au travers des différents campus de SKEMA.

SKEDx was created in 2022 and aims to organize TEDx conferences within the various campuses of SKEMA Business School. TEDx is a program set up by the internationally renowned organization TED, wishing to highlight "ideas worth sharing" from various angles. TEDx talks are short, punchy lectures that invite the audience to think about a key theme and innovative concepts.
All this is possible thanks to the work done by the members of the different divisions (Office, Communication, Speaker, Finance/Partnership, Events/Logistics) of the association. At the head of each division of the association is a manager, in charge of the smooth running of his division and communication with the other divisions.


The main event of the association is the TEDxSKEMAParis organized on the campus of Suresnes starting with the conference bringing together a dozen The second main event of the association is the TEDxSKEMAParis contest. The purpose of this contest is to give one or two SKEMA Business School students and alumni the opportunity to participate in the official TEDxSKEMAParis event.from different sectors to provide a different vision on the theme of the conference. The conference is followed by a cocktail party to allow the public to exchange with the speakers, the organizing team and the different sponsors of the event.
The second main event of the association is the TEDxSKEMAParis contest. The purpose of this contest is to give one or two SKEMA Business School students and alumni the opportunity to participate in the official TEDxSKEMAParis event. 
