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SKEMA Finance

Skema Finance is a stimulating and entertaining association that brings together people who are passionate about finance and those who want to learn more about this sector.

The SKEMA Finance association, created in 2008, serves as a personal and educational fulfilment of members and individuals through the development of common projects: trading contests, investment club, conferences, trading room visits, financial information through its website and many others, as well as through the exchange between people attracted by the world of finance. In 2021, the 3 associations in France will merge to create a national, homogeneous association and adopt a global website.

Key events
The trading contest, which takes place every year in March and brings together investment and trading enthusiasts. With huge prizes at stake, each candidate has one month to make the maximum profit with his trading account credited with virtual money. At the end of the contest, the candidates with the bigger profits will win the contest. A new feature in 2022 will be an inter-campus competition with Lille, Paris and Sophia-Antipolis which will take place within the same trading contest.
The M&A contest which is an inter-campus competition created in 2023 bringing together the passionate about mergers and acquisitions. Each team works on a concrete M&A case while being guided by professionals from the sector. At the end, the group whose analysis was the most appreciated by the jury will win the competition. This is the perfect event to listen to fascinating conferences on the subject and, above all, to network.
Many conferences on market and corporate finance as well as privileged moments with our partners such as PWC.

New in 2022: the Investment Club is evolving and becoming the Investment Division, helping more and more members of the association but also SKEMA students to start investing or to learn more about investing.

Informations Department
The information pole gathers all the writers of articles or information that can be found on the website and on all our social networks. It is thanks to this pole that our website is updated several times a week with news. The Paris, Sophia-Antipolis and Lille centers work together to harmonize the content and make it as attractive as possible.

Tutoring Department
The tutoring pole gathers all the members supporting the whole class in the revision of financial subjects. Through video conferences or directly in the lecture hall, the members of the tutoring pole offer support in these subjects just before the exams.

Event Department
The events department organizes and manages all the events proposed by the association. From the casino evening to the various conferences organized throughout the year, the pole takes care of the preparation and the event during its course.

Canvassing Department
The partnership pole is responsible for maintaining relationships with our partners, but also for finding potential new contacts. In addition, the partnership pole is in charge of contacting our partners in order to organize an event, a conference or to realize new projects.

Communications Division
Le pôle communication crée et gère le contenu publié sur les réseaux sociaux de l’association. Des textes jusqu’aux visuels, le pôle comm s’occupe de la promotion des activités de l’association et de ses partenaires.

Investment Department
Ce pôle regroupe des étudiants ayant déjà des connaissances sur la bourse et/ou sur l’univers des cryptomonnaies qui gèrent des groupes d’échanges skémiens sur ces thématiques tout en fournissant des analyses et tutoriels.

Recruitment is mainly based on candidates' motivation and their interest in finance.

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