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Open Mindmulti-campus

Association operating for student well-being and freedom of speech around mental health topics.  

Open Mind is an association now present on the campuses of Lille and Paris. For this new mandate, the association continues to extend its influence in the skemian community, by presenting tools that are easy to use/put in place on a daily basis and offering «well-being» activities. Indeed, more than ever, we want to be a source of information, a vector of openness and generator of a cohesive and listening student community.  



The association was able to carry out numerous events including sophrology sessions for students, a discussion workshop around mental health issues with its partner Nightline, a conference in partnership with PourParlers, and more recently a well-being day with on the program brunch and ceramic painting. This year, Open Mind plans to repeat the sophrology sessions and the wellness day, and the association will also launch puppy yoga sessions.  


The association tries to organize numerous projects:  
A Nightline stand:a discussion workshop around mental health issues with its partner Nightline;
Well-being sessions avant les examens ;
Well-being days/activitiesen petit groupe : brunch, peinture, puppy yoga, etc … ;
A well-being weekend: go as a group outside Paris to rest and recharge your batteries for a weekend.



President: Andréa ROUSSEAU


President: Elisa LEROYER