Skemafrica multi-campus
Explore the richness of African culture and bring your professional ambitions to life within the continent!
Since 2021, Skemafrica has been an apolitical association bringing together ambitious and concerned students who share a common vision of Africa: that of a dynamic continent, with strong economic potential, which deserves new recognition and whose development must be driven by youth. It is present on two campuses: Paris and Lille and brings together nearly 50 members. Its values: sharing, knowledge and solidarity.
With this in mind, our aim is to highlight the assets of the African continent to students at Skema and in the Lille region through two essential channels: Culture and Business. Our flagship event is Africa Week, during which we combine cultural activities with intellectual events. The week culminates in a forum.
SKEMAFRICA is a student association of SKEMA Business School, which has existed since 2021. It is present on two campuses: Paris and Lille and brings together nearly 50 members. Its long-term objective: to be a cultural and professional bridge between the African continent and ambitious students from all backgrounds who are present at Skema Business School. Its values: sharing, knowledge and solidarity.