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BDE – Lille

The Student ‘s Union (BDE) of SKEMA Lille aims to unite all students on campus and animate the campus life. 

Créé en 1957, le Bureau Des Élèves est le moteur de la vie associative de SKEMA Lille. 
Its team of 25 people animates the lives of more than 1000 students by connecting and organizing relations between the students, associations and the administration. 
Its main events (Integration Week-end, Gala), aim to integrate students from different programs (PGE, BBA, ESDHEM, international students) but also to transmit the traditions of SKEMA and to support the spirit of promotion. 


Integration weekend (WEI): The Integration Weekend is a 3-day stay, organized every year in September to welcome and integrate new students around various activities (sport events, shows, pool parties, etc.) The organization of such an event requires rigor and investment to supervise more than 800 students, integrate them and share the values of SKEMA. 
The gala: The Gala closes the first year of SKEMA Lille students and marks the culmination of a year of learning and success. This event brings together the promotion in a festive and elegant atmosphere and celebrates the academic, associative and personal achievements of each.
Regular events on the day and evening: The BDE of SKEMA Lille is also committed throughout the year, on a daily basis, to bring students together through day and evening events:
- Student parties (PAF, SAT, etc.)
- Breakfasts, barbecues, snacks…
- Afterworks
- Theme days and parties
- Unusual outings (in theme parks etc…)


President: Nicolas BIRKELAND