SKEMA Finance multi-campus
From market finance to corporate finance, SKEMA Finance aims to introduce you to the world of finance and help you understand it.
Founded in 2008, SKEMA Finance is a finance association focused on both market finance and corporate finance. Stock market competitions, investment club, podcast, visits to major financial centers, This association is a means of awakening to the major financial themes of our time, through collaboration between all our members and our partners. In 2021, the 3 associations in France are merging to create a homogeneous national association and to adopt a global website.
The result of the merger of the finance associations of the Lille and Sophia campuses, it is now also present on the Paris and Raleigh campuses. The association's objective is to popularise corporate and market finance. Throughout the year, passionate members get together to work on a number of projects such as the Trading Contest, visits to trading rooms, and professional conferences to get a real immersion in the financial sector.
The most inexperienced will find it a way to learn more about finance, and the more experienced a perfect way to put their knowledge to good use.
The Trading Contest is a market finance-oriented competition which brings together students from three French campuses for a month. The candidate's objective is to make maximum profits and thus hope to win one of the prizes offered.
The M&A Contest is a corporate finance-oriented competition which brings together several students from Skema and other major French schools. The objective is to study, from a given case, the means and the possibility or not for a company to acquire/merge with another. The winners of this competition win prestigious prizes.
The Skema Financial Forum is an event organized with our partner PwC France. The principle is to invite expert speakers in their fields to debate and discuss the issues and the future of finance. For example, we had the privilege of receiving the CEO France of Binance or the CEO France of Euronext. This event brings together the 3 Skema campuses as well as other major higher education institutions.
The association allows to visit major financial centers such as Frankfurt where members had the opportunity to attend a conference at the European Central Bank and visit the trading room of the German Stock Exchange, the DAX 40.
The association regularly organizes conferences inviting professionals from the finance sector to come and share their journey and experiences. Market finance, corporate finance, regulator etc. Everyone is benefiting !
Grâce à nos partenariats, SkeFi Paris a souvent l’occasion de se rendre dans les locaux de grandes entreprises. Ces occasions privilégiées de networking permettent aux membres de SkeFi de rencontrer des experts de la finance, de réseauter et d’acquérir des connaissances en finance. Notre collaboration avec TrainingYou, par exemple, nous a offert l’opportunité de visiter les bureaux de Financière de Courcelles ainsi que celles de la Boutique M&A Kickston à Paris. De même, grâce à notre partenariat avec PwC, SkeFi Paris a participé à de nombreuses journées de formation « Associations Training Day » à Paris et a bénéficié d’une visite des locaux de PwC au Luxembourg, de nombreux autres voyages sont prévus.
Cette année, nous avons lancé avec succès la première édition du M&A Contest à Paris, une compétition axée sur la finance d’entreprise. L’objectif de cette compétition est d’analyser, à partir d’un cas concret, les possibilités et les stratégies d’acquisition ou de fusion pour une entreprise face à des banquiers chevronnés de la place financière parisienne.
SkeFi Paris organise également régulièrement des conférences avec des leaders de l’industrie financière. Cette année, nous avons notamment eu le privilège d’accueillir le CEO de Barclays France, Raoul Salomon.
Nos autres événements sont centrés sur le mentorat, le soutien et le partage d’opportunités. La présence d’étudiants en M1 et M2 permet de poser des questions, demander des conseils ou de l’aide à des personnes ayant déjà fait des stages ou un master en finance. Il est fréquent que des offres de stage ou des opportunités de networking soient partagées au sein de l’association, offrant ainsi à nos membres un accès privilégié au marché de l’emploi dans le secteur financier.
One of our flagship events is the M&A Contest: a major inter-school competition which offers the opportunity to work and discover the environment through a practical team case.
On the other hand, the Trading Contest presents itself as another flagship project of the association. The Trading Contest, in partnership with XTB broker, is a 3-week cross-campus trading competition where the students with the best performance win a prize.
Our other events revolve around conferences, training, tutoring and seminars.