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SKEMA Job Service multi-campus

SJS, a student association offering students paid missions, allowing them to become real performers.

SKEMA Job Service est une association professionnelle qui offre à de nombreux étudiants la possibilité de réaliser des missions type intérim, principalement liées à l’hôtessariat, le monitorat, l’animation et le street-marketing. Le but de l’association est d’aider les étudiants à trouver des jobs et en tant que membre de se professionnaliser dès la première année en école. Petite par sa taille, l’association permet de créer des liens forts, d’avoir un premier contact avec le monde de l’entreprise, de se professionnaliser et de développer son réseau professionnel.
The association works constantly with SKEMA, but also with many prestigious partners such as Auchan, Carrefour, Décathlon, Le Furet du Nord, L'Oréal, Volvo….and other companies in the Lille, Paris and Côte d'Azur regions.



The CNJS: The National Confederation of Job Services brings together more than ten Job Services. Twice a year (in April and November), a congress takes place. For the occasion, the members of the association go for two to three days to the city of Job Service which hosts and organizes the event. We had the chance to organize the CNJS on the Lille campus in April 2020. Unfortunately, this edition took place during COVID times and was done exclusively online. The Confederation has more than 300 student members who mobilize more than 20,000 students for their missions. In 2022, the CNJS achieved a turnover of more than €1.5 million.
The Student Job Fair: it is organized at the beginning of the year to connect students and companies. 


SKEMA Job Service Paris offers missions all year round for students within SKEMA but also with companies.

The association is also present at the CNJS in order to increase its skills and offer its clients and students better monitoring.


One of our main missions is that of the NRJ Music Awards: we are recruiting a large number of students to provide hospitality for this event (+ related additional missions)
We also organize events such as evenings allowing students to have a good student life within SKEMA.
Finally, we offer multiple and different missions throughout the year.



President: Morgane ALEIXO DIAS


President: Laurine AYE


President: Clara FOUGÈRES