BDSE – Paris
Your BDSE sk'olympik takes care of both student and sporting events on the Paris campus!
The Skema Paris Sports and Student Office, known as Sk'olympik, is an association of 29 people who get involved and pool their skills throughout the year to liven up student life on campus. The aim is to unite the class around festive and sporting events such as the Wei, the Semi-Ski, the Gala, the Lille-Paris cycle race and many other events both on and off campus.
Semi ski: Le Semi-Ski est un événement sportif organisé tous les hivers par les campus de Lille, Sophia et Paris, l’objectif est de rassembler les étudiants des trois campus français pendant 3 jours au ski autour d’un moment de sport afin de créer un véritable esprit de convivialité.
Integration seminar: The integration seminar is an event organised at the beginning of the year so that new students can meet each other and share a festive moment with the campus associations.
Lille-Paris à vélo : The Lille-Paris à vélo is a student cycle race created by the BDS of Skema Lille and Skema Paris
Gala : The Gala is an event that has been held on the Paris campus for several years. The aim of this event is to create lasting links between students, to strengthen the spirit of association for future terms, to develop the SKEMA Paris culture, to network...