BDS – Lille
The Sports Office of SKEMA BS (Lille campus) has the mission of promoting sports practice among students.
In order to achieve this objective, the BDS, composed of 25 individuals, organizes various sports events aimed at SKEMA students and sometimes a wider audience during its term. These events are organized through the collaboration of three BDS departments: the communication department, the outreach department, and the events department. The BDS also oversees the Skeerleaders, Skema's cheerleading association, and this year saw the significant development of SKOP, a supporters' collective that encourages Skema's sports teams.
Un des événements phare est le séminaire annuel de ski, qui rassemble plus de 300 participants des 3 campus Français de SKEMA. Il y a également la course annuelle traditionnelle « La Lilloise » qui se déroule au cœur de la citadelle, regroupant plus de 200 participants. Nous sommes également en train d’organiser le tout premier événement cycliste étudiant reliant Lille à Paris en vélo.