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SKEMA Conseil

SKEMA Conseil is the student consulting cabinet of SKEMA Business School

Skema Conseil is the Junior-Enterprise of SKEMA Business School, it has been accompanying SKEMA Business School since 1969. Initially known as Azur Junior Conseil/CERAM. In 2009, it became Skema Conseil, with several branches, one in Lille and another in Nice. In 2011, Skema Conseil Paris was born, followed by Skema Conseil China in 2019 and Skema Conseil Brazil in 2020. In 2020, the national offices (Lille/Paris/Nice) will merge to form a single structure. Thanks to our history of more than 50 years and this rich heritage, we have been able to obtain the ISO 9001 standard since 2015, the Best Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs and Best Consulting Study Awards in 2019 as well as the Best Coaching for Entrepreneurs Award in 2020. Skema Conseil, is a junior-entreprise subject to the law of 1901, which consequently makes it an association. Skema Conseil is a student consulting firm that helps and responds to the needs of clients and accompanies them in the development of their project. We offer services to accompany clients in their projects with market studies, benchmarks, business plans or financial forecasts.

Main events
Les Tremplins de l’Innovation est un concours  d’entrepreneuriat à l’initiative de Skema Conseil. Il vise à  aider les entrepreneurs aux idées innovantes à concrétiser leur  projet. Il existe différents Tremplins selon la spécialisation :  Environnement, Avenir (IA), Coup de Cœur du Jury et Intrapreneuriat . Chaque Tremplin représente une étude réalisée par Skema Conseil en fonction des besoins du vainqueur, valorisée entre 3.000€ et 5.000€. Ces études sont financées par nos partenaires, ainsi que tous ceux qui souhaitent accompagner ces entrepreneurs.

Audit & Quality
The audit and quality department is mainly responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all documents that leave the structure, including through the proofreading of all these documents. They are also the guarantors of the analysis of all the KPI of the structure.

Human Resources and General Secretariat
Skema Conseil's HRGS unit is made up of the General Secretaries and the Human Resources Managers of each campus. The General Secretaries organize, plan and lead the monthly meetings. They also ensure that the premises are well laid out and manage the inventory and supplies of the premises in order to keep them clean. The human resources managers' main mission is to recruit the staff that is essential to the commercial activity of the structure. On the other hand, they must ensure a good team atmosphere, both locally and nationally, through the organization of TeamBuilding and events that allow to create links.

The marketing department is an essential part of the association. It combines both internal communication within the school and external communication, particularly through social networks. Beyond the creation of visuals, the pole analyzes the KPI related to their activity and set up a real marketing strategy on the long term.

Ensures the management of the treasury throughout the year. They are the pillars of the group and are few in number, but particularly assiduous and rigorous: no approximation here, only precision.

The commercial division, composed of project managers and the commercial manager, are in charge of stimulating and supervising the commercial activity. They must accompany the other project managers of the structure throughout the study if necessary.

The international division is in charge of the development of the structure at the international level on the various SKEMA campuses.

Le pôle Growth à la responsabilité de gérer le référencement du site internet, et d’assurer la gestion des composantes numériques de la structure. Il joue également un rôle déterminant dans l’amélioration des process

The recruitment of Skema Conseil members is called the RFP: Recruitment - Training - Passing. Everything starts with a collective interview called "Business Game" and the submission of a CV. The RFP is then made up of two major stages: general theoretical training phases on the structure and then practical training oriented towards the desired areas. Numerous tests are added to the recruitment process to test the seriousness and motivation of each candidate.

President: Nathan PAUL
Adresse mail :

Directrice d’antenne Sophia : Maëlys Le Noahïc
Adresse mail :
