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Hope is the humanitarian association of Skema, it is present on the campuses of Lille, Paris, Sophia-Antipolis and Belo Horizonte.

Hope est l’association humanitaire, sociale et environnementale de SKEMA Business School qui tente, par de multiples actions, de promouvoir la solidarité, l’entraide et le partage. Elue meilleure association humanitaire étudiante de France en 2018, l’association est impliquée dans des missions locales et internationales et rayonne par sa présence sur plusieurs campus.  



HOPE Lille et est composée de 5 missions bientôt 6!) :

– 2 missions locales : Actions Sociale et Environnementale (ASE) (maraudes, visites en Ehpad et promotion du développement durable) et Tutorat (soutien scolaire à une trentaine de collégiens chaque semaine et organisation de sorties toutes les deux semaines).
NEW : A la rentrée 2024… HOPE Lille ouvre une nouvelle branche axée sur la protection animale (mise en place de partenariat avec la SPA, collectes de fonds, journées en refuge, sorties dans un bar à chiens…).

– 3 missions internationales :

Vietnam, Cambodge et West Africa (rénovation de bâtiments scolaires, aide matérielle et humanitaire dans des orphelinats, écoles, et centre pour enfants des rues,).


Between marauding, organization of charity concerts, visits to sick children, French-speaking support, or even participation in the construction of a school in Madagascar, everyone has their place within your Hope Paris association.

- Maraudes: distribution of food to the homeless in Paris

- Cheer-Up: visits to sick children at Necker hospital

- Transition Week = promotions of current urgent sustainable development issues

- Charity concert = organization of a charity concert to support the SPARADRAP association

- FLE = French language courses for unaccompagnied minors.

- Madagascar = Financing and participation in the construction of a school in Madagascar.


Our main flagship event remains the humanitarian trip, which this year will take place in two countries with two separate associations: Ada Togo and For Thuy and Thu (Vietnam) and to raise funds for the trips we are organizing a Charity Gala.  

The local humanitarian section organizes events such as food drives with the Banque Alimentaire des Alpes-Maritimes and other key events in collaboration with other associations such as Yachting and BDS. 

The animal department organizes weekly animal walks by the Grasse SPA.  

The environment department organizes monthly Clean Walks and the environment week from March 11 to 15, in collaboration with other campus associations.  
